1595 Feb 15 Neville to Thomas Windebank

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State Papers

Original Spelling Transcription

Transcription by John O'Donnell.

Sr. I pray you do me the favour, to let me vnderstand by this bearer, whether the queenes graunt for the corporacion of Newbery, be allready passed vnder the signet and pryvy seale or nay. for my L. Treasorour desires to be certefyed of yt. Touching the bill for Mr. Chambers which I sent you by your servaunt, I did let him vnderstand of your freendly speeches delivered vnto me at Pillingbeare concerning him, wherevpon I see he hath made thus bold wth you; or rather indeede I have made thus bold with you in his behalf. for him self, vpon a kind of bashfullnes or modesty, durst not presume to do yt. But I assure you Sr. yf any good may be don for him, you shall find him most thankefull, & ready in all occasions to be commaunded by you. Besides my self and all that part of the country shallbe beholden to you, yf by your good meanes wee may be able to settle him amongst vs. And so till further opportunyty of speech wth you, I commend me most hartyly vnto you & committe you to god. from london the xvth of february 1594.

Your assured freend to commaund. Henry Neuill.